What Should You Not Do in the Bathroom?

There are several things you should never do in the bathroom. Using the toilet when you’re unable to relieve yourself, making wet moves, and storing hair appliances and medicines there are a few of the things you should never do in the bathroom. Keep reading to learn more about these bathroom etiquette tips.
Avoiding storing medicine in the bathroom

The bathroom is a humid and warm environment that is not a good place to store medication. These factors can speed up the breakdown of the medication and make it less potent. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society recommends storing medicines in the bedroom. However, millions of people still store their medicines in the bathroom.

One reason for this is the humidity. Most pills require water to be dissolved in them, and storing medicines in a humid environment can reduce their potency. This is particularly problematic for insulin, which can degrade when exposed to humidity.
Avoiding storing hair appliances in the bathroom

Traditionally, hair styling products are stored in the bathroom. Some people use racks on the wall or hang them from the cabinet door, but it is better to separate them from other toiletries. This will prevent tangled cords and prevent them from falling off the counter. Furthermore, it will be easier for you to find the tools you need when you need them.

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